Biyernes, Hulyo 8, 2011

Which is Which: Traditional Teaching or IT Integrated Teaching?

Which is Which: Traditional Teaching or IT Integrated Technology
As I undergo the process of learning I realized that knowledge is not entirely fixed and transmittable but is something that all of us individuals, students, teachers and adults alike, actively construct. Thus, the most important thing a student should learn is how to learn”
Students nowadays follow the modern and diverse society wherein we aim to accomplish many goals. We demand for better learning for we want to be equally competent in the future. There are multiple choices of teachers and they can become overwhelming unless teachers can focus their teaching goals. The ultimate purpose of teaching is to assist students to become independent and self regulated learners. Now, the question is HOW do teachers make their learners competent and effective?
Traditional Teaching goes into the arena of choices. However, we students somehow viewed this as an antagonistic approach. The moment we hear the term “traditional teacher/ing” we immediately put into our minds the negative scenes we usually viewed in barrios and far flung areas. Now it’s about time to take some breather. Yes, traditional teaching could be an old style but I believe it still promotes effective learning. Teachers make sure everything they taught were understood by the student. Teachers teach using the blackboard, explained, asks students to copy and made sure students paid attention and listen.
On the other hand, IT Integrated Teaching is a real deal for teachers and students who views learning as an actively continuous process. Technology is used making the discussion more interesting, visual and updated. IT Integration aims at giving the students a holistic instead of a fragmented outlook on his studies. Thus the topics can be presented in a more meaningful way.
Indeed, there is no BEST TEACHING METHOD for the best teaching method is the one that yields good results. Let us embrace technology but we should not set aside the basics of traditional teaching.

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Lunes, Hulyo 4, 2011

EdTech 2: Moving Forward Towards Technology Enhancement

The memoirs of EdTech 1 were still vivid in my mind. It was with that course that I was able to learn and master the use of technologies and on how to apply it in teaching. Much to my learning was the making of power point presentations with all the desired designs and animations. Now as I step my foot forward to EdTech 2 I come to the point of asking myself “What’s it this time?”
   Since Educational Technology 2 is much concerned with integrating technology into teaching and learning, I’m looking forward to an adventure that will surely cater my curiosity and passion to learn more skills and apply it in a greater sense of ease and confidence. I expect it to be cool and enjoyable just like making this first blog of mine. You see how technology brings about our ideas and opinions. You might take a grasp in reading this blog or might find this boring but hey this is what technology is. I may choose to leave it all behind my emails or word doc but we’re into the world of blogging now. See the difference? Feel the thrill?
            Moreover, I wish to update my knowledge of what educational technology bring about and how will it produce “magic” inside the classroom. Yes, this would mean that it involves a deeper sense of understanding the computer as well as a hands-on application of computer skills. Will it be so scary and hard? I wish it wouldn’t.
            Indeed we are bombarded with the pressures of using technology and upgrading it but we, as education student should never be afraid of taking up the steps in enhancing our knowledge for this is our preparation for a tougher future that waits. So come on, leave your worries behind and together lets unravel this thing one at a time.
To end this up, I would like to share my reading from “The Last Book That You Will Ever Read” by Frank Ogden. It says there, “Changes in technology will alter the way we live, the way we love, the way we think, the way we dream, the way we create. We are moving from a lowly state as worker caterpillars into creative and beautiful butterflies. Working our way out of the chrysalis is like escaping from a dark crypt. After a momentous struggle, what emerges is not what existed before.” M y dear classmates, we are like butterflies but let’s put into our mind and our heart that a butterfly doesn’t operate like a caterpillar and is not grounded by gravity. Like the emerging butterfly, we have left our formative stage. It’s about our time to fly and learn more by putting our commitment and expectations into a vision that would be transformed into a reality provided we do our thing in this EdTech 2 journey.